About Us
We are expats who moved to Belize to start a new life in a land where there’s more freedom to live our faith, homeschool, and choose if we want to vaccinate.
Year by year, living in a western country we saw the moral break-downs take place. Schools became dangerous to mind and body. The traditional family became the focus of negative attention. While we managed to maintain a high standard, it left us isolated and on the government radar.
There’s no place on earth that is going to be heaven. We will always trade one hardship for another. For us, the trade-off was something we decided worthwhile. Our Master may well return soon, but while He waits for His perfect timing, there is a next generation to raise up and prepare to succeed in this world. By success I don’t refer to financial. Success is based upon who we are and what we achieve as servants of the Most High God.
Moving to Belize brought us challenges. The challenges are common to all us expats. If we can help lessen your challenges we’d be most grateful. Remember, this might be business, but we can also be friends.
Our Mission
Who can you trust in a world of self interest and deceit?
You’ve probably already heard stories of people being taken advantage of, lied to, robbed, had their houses demolished by locals looking for ‘free’ building materials or sold properties at excessively inflated prices. These stories are real and sadly all to common. We had our own experience.
While we can’t prevent all these eventualities, we certainly can help reduce your risks, and that’s exactly what you need moving to a third world country.
Many good people are moving to Belize who want to network and build a foundation of trust, and ethics. This place has a bright future if we humbly walk with God and love our neighbors.
Peace of mind.
Belize Property Solutions
Serving locals and expats across Cayo District, Belize.